Whilst offices across the country lay dormant, one was quietly building a beautiful, environmentally conscious workspace. Whilst most of us worked from home St. James’ Place Wealth Management (SJP) has been busy transforming their new office space from a traditional cellular working format to a large open plan agile work space.
We are now proud to announce that our state-of-the-art, environmentally-conscious CAT A interior fit out is complete!
Workplace interior fit out completed against the odds
We are now proud to announce that our interior fit out is complete!
19 August 2020

Since 2019 we have been working closely with SJP on their office relocation to Aztec West, North Bristol and during lockdown were able to deliver a fit out that offers more than just a desk space.
We introduced collaboration spaces, open meeting areas, living walls, and ease of access; reinventing the look and feel setting a benchmark for a new culture in this location. This space promises to be much more than just an office.
The new layout can also accommodate any protective and hygiene measures required to support a safe return to the office for SJP.
The 400 person capacity workplace will be SJP’s third largest site in the country now acting as the hub in the South West region.
"We have sought to create a place where people can feel included and that they belong.” - Sean Aldom, Head of Business at SJP, Bristol