Social Value
We pledge to create positive social impact through our actions and operations.

Our Social Value is informed by and aligned to the ESG strategy. In January 2022, as a practice we embarked on a process of developing our Social Value Strategy, defining a clear vision, with a set of pledges against which to hold ourselves accountable, with metrics to measure against and quantify success.

This work so far has enabled us to achieve our Social Value Quality Mark Level 1 and subsequently Social Value Quality Mark Silver accreditation. We see our ESG activities as integral to developing a resilient business and sustainable communities and we are on a journey where we continue to strengthen our contributions and Social Value Impact.

Our eight pledges align to the UK Social Value Model and Social Value Quality Mark, which in turn align to the UN Sustainability Development Goals. This ensures that in conducting our business we consider all aspects that contribute to creating a more sustainable world. Our pledges are backed by a comprehensive set KVIs that we can measure and account against.

AWW defines Social Value as the positive contribution to society through our actions and operations. Our interpretation encompasses three main areas of implementation:
Projects: As Architects and Interior Designers, we have a specific impact on the built environment and how our projects, processes and supply chain positively contribute to society during design, construction and in use. As such our ambition is to promote healthier, safer and more resilient communities to create a sustainable future.
Practice: The culture we uphold internally should influence the ethos we project externally. We challenge ourselves to be a more inclusive practice ensuring we support, mentor and encourage one another and continue to improve staff health and wellbeing.
People: As a practice and individuals there is an opportunity to contribute to wider society. Focussing on our volunteering, fundraising, pro bono work to VCSEs and mentoring as a way of championing the next generation.

A team has been formed at AWW to ensure that we deliver these standards to the highest quality. Led by Sustainability Director Tim Forster and Social Value Champion Heather Lavis, the group are responsible for monitoring, strategising, developing and reporting with the aim of incorporating our pledges within the everyday running of the practice. All social value commitments on every project are a core part of our ISO9001 certified IMS project plan, with project architects working with the client at the outset to set measurable and reportable pledges, KPIs and KVIs to deliver Social Value.

Our bi-annual staff appraisal and surveys are important to assess the wellbeing and satisfaction of our staff. These qualitative approaches sit alongside our external audits which encompass BM Trada’s regular reviews of our ISO9001 and ISO14001 certifications, part of our rigorous Business Management System. We have recently developed an Intelligent Spreadsheet aligned to Social Value Model, HACT, National TOMs and Wellby to more effectively define our impact. This will form a critical part our approach as we progress in our Social Value journey and enable us to report more regularly on our contributions.

We can assist clients in achieving their Social Value objectives on projects through Social Impact Reporting, Baseline Analysis, Post Occupancy Evaluation, Stakeholder Engagement and Collaborative Design.
To download our Social Value Impact Report please click here.